Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Class on the 1st of November

What are the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, in North Dakota protesting.  What forms is the protest taking?  What has been the reaction from governmental officials to the protest.  Was this an appropriate response, why or why not?

What was Ammon Bundy and his followers protesting at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge?  What form did the protest take?  What was the reaction from governmental officials to the protest?  Was this an appropriate response, why or why not?

What was Cliven Bundy and his followers protesting in Nevada?  What form did the protest take?  What was the reaction from governmental officials to the protest?  Was this an appropriate response, why or why not?

What was Black Lives Matter protesting in Charlotte North Carolina?  What fo.  6m did the protest take?  What was the reaction from governmental officials to the protest?  Was this an appropriate response, why or why not?

What is predictable about governmental response to these protests?  Rank the protests from most to least dangerous and explain your reasoning.  

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